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Re: [HyperTherm] glinks-3.0.0 does not exist
Who ensures that email addresses are not collected from the database of GMail and then sold?

Who ensures your credit card details, bank account details and who ensures your going to wake up in the morning.?
Only two things are guaranteed, Taxes and Death, that’s all you get, the rest is a gamble, take it or leave it, that’s life.

For me as a professional, a Stable release going offline within two hours of release doesn’t sound a good thing to happen.

Do as I do and wait for a couple of weeks / month before upgrading that ensures trouble free installation and running.

Who ensures that this Update Will Not ruin a live site?

As above !

This update ruined our Gmail install and one of the posts wrt that got a comment that it makes no sense. Then it took us Three days to identify Plugins.pm as the culprit and then it gets corrected and everything started making sense.

As above !

Yeah instead of removing the bad apple just brand all apples to be bad and act across the board. It's not a question of being happy or unhappy about.

With GT implementing the security, I don’t take it personally that they are branding me as a “bad apple” , so why should you ?

I look forward to your views and implementation on removing the ‘bad apples”.



Last edited by:

minesite: Apr 9, 2005, 4:54 AM

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