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Re: [katabd] New installation question..
Can I suggest doing a test installation and then you will see what it can do? It won't affect your LSQL installations until you install the plugin on them.

1- Can we still keep the custom fields we have in Links SQL users table? and how does the user edit them from community..?

You can customise the data fields and the user edits them through commmunity. You can also select which fields they can/cannot modify.

2- The same question for the Forum?

Sorry, don't use forum.

3- will we still be able to use the custom field to build globals and templates?

Globals & templates/template sets appear to work the same as in LSQL etc. I've just redesigned my templates to match my Beta3.x installation

Last edited by:

Alba: Apr 8, 2005, 11:40 AM

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