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Re: [LoisC] Displaying spaces in textarea
Hi Lois,
I'm actually using DBMan SQL version 1, which is based off of regular DBman. The only difference is that it reads/writes to an sql database rather than a flat file. Since it's basiclly the same, I posted here since most of the postings for the SQL forum is for version 2. Anyway, the SQL database doesn't seem to have any problems with spaces, so I don't think there's anything to worry about there.
As far as the tmp =~ s/^\s+//g; goes, I don't see that line anywhere and when I look at the entries in the database, they do have the spacing.. it's just not displaying when you view the records.
Thanks for the reply Lois! You're always so helpful and it's most appreciated by all! Smile

Last edited by:

shann123: Mar 9, 2005, 2:34 PM

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