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Re: [HyperTherm] Why isn't <%URL%> searchable?

Did you download my new/updated Days_Old.pm ??

It's an expansion of the Days_Old plugin, and the functions I had added to Utilities.pm (or whatever).

The Days_Old.pm is just copied to the Plugins directory, and you call it at the top of your link.html


here is the thread from october.

It shouldn't give broken images, since it should default to the highest date eg: 12 or 14, not 222 <G>

FWIW: Looks like the version I posted resets the isNew status of a link, so it doesn't need to worry about how "old" a link really is. A bit of overhead for some systems, but it does solve the "new" problems caused by dynamic sites. a "cron" job that runs every few hours to reset the flags can also solve the problem.

PUGDOG� Enterprises, Inc.

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pugdog: Dec 21, 2004, 3:23 PM

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