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Re: [Jagerman] "You can add/remove forum bans"
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There are actually two sets of banned IP's in Gossamer Forum - one is a global IP ban (when you click "Ban Site IP"), the other is a ban only for the current forum. Typically, moderators ought to be able to ban someone who they feel is abusing the particular forum they moderate - but obviously they can't view the ban list of other forums, just their own. Likewise, if they can ban someone, they should be able to unban.
In very simple terms - I'm the non-techy admin! How can the mod's view forum bans (and therefore remove them) from the forums they have control over. I have admin status and can't find it.

And whilst I'm here, and similar theme - but I'll pass the answer onto the techy one if need be: Is there anyway to get "Who's Online" to show which forum people are viewing/posting in etc at the time as this would make chasing the known trouble-makers a much easier task when no admin is around.

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bluesnavigator: Oct 11, 2004, 4:19 PM

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