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Re: [katabd] Upgrading error
In case pre upgrade db recovery also does'nt get it back, try this temporary solution:

global transform_date==>

sub {
my ($date, $new_format) = @_;
my $old_format = $CFG->{date_user_format};
require GT::Date;
return GT::Date::date_transform($date, $old_format, $new_format);

In link.html :

Right at top:

<%set date2day = GT::Date::date_get()%>
<%set dateadded = transform_date($Add_Date)%>
<%set date2new = GT::Date::date_diff($date2day, $dateadded)%>

Then wherever you are displaying the conditional image/text just add the following: (commenting out the current one which is giving you all "NEW" )

&nbsp;<%ifnot date2new > '7'%>New<%endif%>

7 is just an example and you could change to any value you would like to (whatever you are deciding to classify a link as New)

It's tested so it works :)


Last edited by:

HyperTherm: Aug 24, 2004, 10:08 PM

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