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How can I edit <%title_linked%> or <%category_name%> or <%title%> so that I can view just the actual title of the page and not the entire category name?

I would like to edit only globals.txt and create a new sub routine if possible.

'category_title' => 'sub { $new_title =~ s,$title_linked,last category name etc...,;

I could edit sub build_title_linked in build.pm but I do not want to edit any core files...

I want to use it so that I can print just the category I am in not just Home > Magic > Magicians > Ricky Jay > Articles > Time

I would want it to just print: Time

Thanks... any help is appreciated,

- Jonathan

Last edited by:

jdgamble: Aug 17, 2004, 9:37 PM

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