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can't "Save As" after loading GCom

AFter installing Gcom and putting it under mod_perl, can't "Save Template As" in GMail. Nothing really happens and there is no error shown but the template is not "Saved As" ...

Gcom - 1.0.2
Gmail - 2.2.0
Links - 2.2.0

Have not checked the same in case of LinksSQL though.

BTW, the Editor.pm is most current as per fix on http://www.gossamer-threads.com/...orum.cgi?post=267047

in case of GMail and since Gcom is downloaded only a few days back it is presumed that it has the fixed version of Editor.pm

How could this be resolved?


Last edited by:

anup123: Aug 2, 2004, 9:17 PM

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