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Re: [brewt] Vbulletin help!!
Thanks Brewt I tried that.

What happens now:

join.cgi -> redirects to VB3 login page
webmail.cgi -> redirects to VB3 login page
logout.cgi -> redirects to VB3 login page

register.cgi -> ("registration not enabled") Asks you to login...
login.cgi -> Asks you to login...

Now, if you try and login with login.cgi and a bogus username/password you get "Authentication Error Invalid login or password" wish makes me think it is addressing the VB3 DB correctly :) However, if you do the same on register.cgi it redirects you to the vb3 login page.

If you use a correct username and password on either login.cgi or register.cgi you are redirected to the VB3 login page...

Also, I tried logging into the VB3 forums and then running webmail.cgi; in this case you are redirected to the VB3 forum (logged in).

So it looks a bit better, and might actually be working; i'll have a better look now, but in the meantime maybe you can spot a problem from my post.

Many thanks,


See for yourself.

I changed "redirect_error" in the GM Admin Panel to _webmailfail.php and created a dummy page on the server.


logout.cgi, join.cgi & webmail.cgi all redirect to _webmailfail.php.

-> The first time you try and login in with either a correct or incorrect login it always comes back as "Invalid login or password".
-> The second time you try and login in with either a correct or incorrect login it always redirects to _webmailfail.php.


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p3rfect: May 16, 2004, 8:08 AM

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