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changing default perl $PATH
Hi All

We installed Mandrake 9.2, and it installs a threaded version of perl with the executable at /usr/bin/perl

Some systems that we run require a non-threaded perl.

After trying for quite a while to see if the Mandrake installation could be recompiled into a non-threaded, we decided to just leave that alone (one reason is that we messed up tons of other things along the way) and just put a second installation - non-threaded this time - with the executable at /usr/local/bin/perl (which is the default BTW).

Okay, the install went fine, and /usr/local/bin/perl is working.

However, when we do a 'which perl', we get '/usr/bin/perl'

When we do a 'whereis perl' we get:

/usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/share/man...../bz.2

Question: How can we make the /usr/local/bin/perl location the default location for the system?

We have heard that somewhere you can adjust the '$PATH', but we can't find where that is.

Apparently, /usr/bin/perl is the first in the default '$PATH'. We want to make /usr/local/bin/perl the first and /usr/bin/perl the second in the defaut path.

Thanks very much. Any help would be most appreciated.

Cheers Smile


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DogTags: Dec 30, 2003, 9:50 PM

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