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Re: [Andy] Header & Footer In Adding New Category
Well, now I'm totally and thoroughly confused.

I changed the category and added a footer to it, and the footer was http://www.yourdomain.com/...ates/nameoffile.html

I uploaded nameoffile.html into the templates directory as you said.

When I go to that category, there is nothing there.

So, I have to go to that category, open the index.html file, and manually add in a <%footer%> tag at the bottom?

Each category will have a different footer.

Edit: Went into the category index.html

!-- Related Categories -->



!-- Search Bar -->

All that shows up now is a space in the page, no footer, no banner, nothing whatsoever

I'd like to be alone in a room, and enjoy the company.

Last edited by:

hairy: Nov 12, 2003, 5:07 PM

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