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Calling a PHP script from the html_record_form subroutine
Hey all,

I found a great wysiwyg editor that I'd like to use with dbman (Perl version), however it's generated by a PHP script.


I want to know if there's a way I could call this editor from within the html_record_form[/url] subroutine. I looked around the forum and couldn't find anything definitive.

This is the code in the manual to call the script:

<title>My Editor</title>
<form name="wysiwygproForm" method="post" action="" onSubmit=”submit_form()”><?php// include the config file and editor class:include_once (‘editor_files/config.php’);
include_once (‘editor_files/editor_class.php’);
// create a new instance of the wysiwygPro class:$editor = new wysiwygPro();// print the editor to the browser:$editor->print_editor(700, 400);?></form>
<?php ob_end_flush(); ?>

If not, does anyone have suggestions on an editor that would work and is as easy to use?



In search of a working title......

Last edited by:

epalutzo: Nov 10, 2003, 11:41 AM

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