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Image next to message from admin...How To?
All the messages from Admin (admin@domain) had this image right at the begining of the row (after the checkbox) by having the following in template msgs_list_include.htm at the right place:

<%if msgs_sent_from eq 'admin@domain'%><img src="<%url_images%>/templates/<%t%>/admin.gif" alt="Message From Administrator"><%endif%>

It was all working fine till i decded to change the From Adress of Welcome Mail of the format:


I tried changing the above conditional statement and i just couldn't get the Image back.

Is there a way of getting it back with the New Format of the From address.

I have already tried the following:

<%if msgs_sent_from eq 'Webmaster<webmaster@<%domain%>>'%><img src="<%url_images%>/templates/<%t%>/admin.gif" alt="Message From Administrator"><%endif%>

<%if msgs_sent_from eq '"Webmaster"<webmaster@<%domain%>'%> also does not work

The image just doesn't appear. Any clue? Am i missing something critical or it just can't be done? In fact the icon above was intended to make the message stand out from rest as being from Administrator.


Last edited by:

anup123: May 26, 2003, 8:20 AM

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