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Re: [antoined] displaying Thumbnail
Uh, I just see how silly thing I wrote one in my earlier post. Blush
Of course template code suggested by Andy should work. I must be tired that day, sorry. Angelic

is it possible to convert a Photo to Thumbnail directly online (ImageMagick module?) in order to avoid submitting the same photo twice with different sizes?
Yes, as long you have ImageMagick installed, yes, you can.
You may also install Image::Magick::Thumbnail perl module for that task.
Also there is an Image::GD::Thumbnail perl module in case if you want to use GD module for that task.

IMHO ImageMagick is better than GD (GD has no GIF support in the latest module versions). So I recommend ImageMagick.

P.S.: Image::Magick::Thumbnail module works, but note, that it even doesn't have any error checking, so keep your eyes open.

Best regards,

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webmaster33: May 5, 2003, 6:59 AM

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