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Re: [Jagerman] Getting paging errors
I was editing a post I made last night and got this error...

A fatal error has occurred:
Unable to update record: Failed to execute query: 'UPDATE gforum_Post SET post_message = ? ,
post_last_edit_username = ? , post_reply_notify = ? , post_last_edit_time = ? , post_subject = ? ,
post_style = ? , post_icon IS ? WHERE post_id = ?' Reason: You have an error in your SQL syntax.
Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'IS NULL WHERE post_id = '2446'' at line 1 at /home/dodrxnet/dodrxnet.org/perl/gforum/admin/GForum/Post/Write.pm line 1125.

Please enable debugging in setup for more details.

Is this a MySQL 4 thing?

Got another one while editing profiles from the Admin Panel:

Failed to execute query: 'UPDATE gforum_User SET user_title = ? , user_username = ? , user_val_code = ? , user_cols = ? , user_default_mh_user = ? , user_occupation_other = ? , user_email = ? , user_message_notify = ? , user_temp_pass IS ? , user_icon = ? , user_hidden_cats = ? , user_time_offset = ? , user_default_reply_notify = ? , user_signature = ? , user_advanced_editor = ? , user_default_mh_message = ? , user_state = ? , user_default_post_style = ? , user_location_other = ? , user_quick1 = ? , user_quick2 = ? , user_last_seen = ? , user_quick3 = ? , user_template = ? , user_mil_status = ? , user_homepage = ? , user_forum_view = ? , user_default_post_display = ? , user_disp_email = ? , user_jump_to_unread = ? , user_admin_validated = ? , user_real_name = ? , user_interests = ? , user_default_mh_flatpost = ? , user_rows = ? , user_status = ? , user_justify = ? , user_enabled = ? , user_show_user_icons = ? , user_do_after_post = ? , user_default_mh_forum = ? , user_location = ? , user_grade = ? , user_paygrade = ? , user_accept_privmsg = ? , user_invisible = ? , user_default_message_style = ? , user_default_mh_search = ? , user_occupation = ? , user_posts = ? WHERE user_id = ?' Reason: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IS NULL , user_icon = '' , user_hidden_cats = '' , user_time_of


Last edited by:

bretzke: Apr 25, 2003, 5:06 AM

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