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Re: [ArmyAirForces] A war against Iraq?
Umm surprising you still counted on UN....

Did I ever discounted on your earlier post as that being non existent. I think you made this reply in a haste. I had mentioned that such things are NOT JUST RESTRICTED TO INDIA.

As for Human Rights...Well the irony is that these Human Rights Organizations keep mum when the terrorists are killing Kasmiri Pandits. It has happened today. Don't tell me these Organizations are only meant to fight against the establishments and not document anything against Terrorists. Or perhaps their blood turns cold. When the Law enforcement agencies start craking on them the Human Rights Activists start raising a hue and cry. Isn't it ironical. This Human Right Issue about Custodial Deaths and all that I think you would have been able to understand better if you followed the Terrorism Sponsored in Kashmir by Pakistan....Reprisal Attack on Civilians ... I think you would find it easier to digest the fact that they are terrorists amongst the civilians. Something Which US has been saying all along to defend its killing of civilians...in Iraq bombing....

My stress has been on the fact that such irregularities (if you may want to accept) are an inherent part of all socieities so it was a misdirected information campaign of yours when you started the topic of Quote Unquote"

"Oh Wait... INDIA....." So its not just India.... its everywhere.....some accept it some behave the Ostrich's way....

While on Drugs issue i think comfortably Pakistan and Afghanistan has been excluded from the discussion. That's where your media showed POPpy cultivation during Afghan War....And it is that Drug Money which has been funding the Terrorists in Kashmir....
...two human rights organizations, Asia Watch, a division of Human Rights Watch, and Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), charge that Indian security forces in Kashmir have deliberately executed hundreds of detainees in custody as part of a "catch and kill" policy to crush the insurgency by armed militant groups.

So surprising you call them insurgents just like Pakistanis..... Had that policy been adopted I don't think that Indian Airlines Flight would have been hijacked to Kandhar and that Terrorist had to be released....Hope the point is clear....


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anup123: Mar 25, 2003, 8:42 PM

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