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Re: [Alex] can't loop for over 16 times when debug_level set to 1
Hi Alex,

I tried a simple code as follows to test it:

sub handle {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
my ($i, $sth, $output);
my $db = $DB->table('Quiz');
for ($i=1; $i<=17; $i++) {
$sth = $db->get($i);
if ($sth) {
$output .= "$sth->{Question}<BR>\n";
print $IN->header();
print "$output\n\n";

It didn't work from the browser (IE6.0). When I ran it from shell, it said:

GT::SQL::Driver::MYSQL::sth (28746): Executing query: SELECT * FROM lsql_Quiz WHERE ( ID = 1 ) from Links::User::Quiz::handle at admin/Links/User/Quiz.pm line 12

There were totally 17 messages showed as the above, and then showed the correct output.

When I was going to submit this post, I tried it again from Netscape Communicator 4.76. It worked. Then when I increase $i to 40, It stopped working. Actually, It stopped working from Netscape when $i>=22.

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Fortune: Mar 19, 2003, 2:04 AM

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