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Re: [Andy] A war against Iraq?
here in my country we got to know that theres no use of war!!sure,saddam should be killed ,cause he's a brutal dictator like hitler was and theres no place for a hitler N° 2.but i think that this is not the only point for bush to begin this war,its too because of the oil and its a thing of revenge.the usa want revenge and after the war,the iraqies want revenge for their dead families and again and again...

and why should saddam disarm(i dont know if this is the right word,cause english is not my language) when he knows that he will be attacked.he would have no defence.

finally i can only say that i'm lucky that i'm living in a country who will not fight in this war....

do you know that in the "völkerrecht" in english the tribe-law(?) it is forbidden to begin an offence war against state A when the state B was not offend before by state A?!so,just think about it.france and germany are the states B they are NOT allowed to make war!!!!

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caramelcream: Mar 18, 2003, 9:16 AM

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