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Products: Gossamer Links: Development, Plugins and Globals: Re: [Andy] [New Plugin] Spider!: Edit Log

Here is the list of edits for this post
Re: [Andy] [New Plugin] Spider!
Plugins > Spider Site > Spider It

Gives the error. Submit the form as it is.

It also starts spidering if you enter http://

Some of the links break the code too.......

URL: http://www.yahoo.com/r/cy
Title: Yahoo! Media Relations
Description: None Got
Author (owner): Someone
Email (owner): copyright@yahoo-inc.com">copyright@yahoo-inc.com
Options: copyright@yahoo-inc.com&Title=Yahoo! Media Relations" target="_blank">Add
Status: Ok....couldn't find in database...

Last edited by:

Paul: Jan 14, 2003, 3:35 AM

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