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Re: [afinlr] Show CategoryID in Add_Success.html?
Unless I've misunderstood what is going on I think there are a few problems with this global:

sub {
my @catids = shift;
my $catid = pop @catids;
$catid = pop @$catid;
return $catid;

my @catids = shift would only fill @catids with one element everytime as shift uses scalar context and an array is a list. You'd need:

my @catids = @_;

You are then grabbing the last element of @catids and storing it as $catid. Are all elements in @catids array references?....if not then:

$catid = pop @$catid will cause a fatal error.

If I've misunderstood then sorry Blush

Last edited by:

Paul: Sep 30, 2002, 5:05 PM

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