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Re: [keyper] Auto Submission Blocker single line error message
Hi there, basically an unknown tag error, is where you have a statement in your templates but it has no defination.

I.e somewhere in your templates you must have <%rand_pass%>

I currently have this mod installed on my site, and looking at Pauls Readme it looks like you forgot to do this part of the mod

Next in site_html_templates.pl in sub site_html_add_form, remove &html_print_headers;
and add the following to the tag list:

rand_pass => $rand,

Do exactly the same in sub site_html_add_failure.

e.g (I have a few other mods installed, so your sub may look different)

sub site_html_add_form {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine determines how the add form page will look like.

my $language = shift;
$language ?
($language = qq~$language <input type=hidden name="Language" value="$language">~) :
($language = &build_checkbox_field ("Language", "$in{'Language'}"));
my $category = shift;
if ($category) {
($category =
qq~$category<input type=hidden name="Category" value="$category">~);
else {
if (!@exclude_categories) {
($category = &build_select_field ("Category"));
else {
($category = &get_cat_select_list);

print &load_template ('add.html', {
Category => $category,
flag => $language,
rand_pass => $rand,

Do exactly the same in sub site_html_add_failure.

Last edited by:

stu2000: Sep 30, 2002, 10:34 AM

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