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Re: [TheStone] VERY BASIC Questions about MySQLMan installation
The previous message I posted before was all messy, so I had to reppost it. I guess the reason was that I was cutting and pasting from the previous message...

I will use a simpler look to finally get my sistuation across...

You: Those files are not MySQLMan, are they? It's probably DBMan SQL Sly
alomenzo: Yes, it is DBMan SQL.. My mistake.

In Reply To:
You: You can install our products in shell mode by using the command below:
perl install.cgi
alomenzo: As I mentioned earlier, I don't know much about Telnet or Shell mode. That's why I asked the administrator of the hosting company I use to run the command for me. They use only SSH Telnet, not the regular Telnet. Anyway he left a voice mail message this afternoon saying that the program asked him for a URL and it didn't know what to use so he had to stop

You: Just point your browser to: http:/www.yourdomain.com/path_to_product/install.cgi

alomenzo: I did that. I tried with the uncompressed files in a subfolder inside the cgi-bin folder and also directly under cgi-bin but invain.

You: You might change #!/usr/bin/perl to the path Perl on your server at the top of install.cgi
alomenzo: That was one of the first things I checked. The Path to Perl.
Please help anybody....

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alomenzo: Aug 15, 2002, 9:29 PM

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