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Image call on category page

I haev searched and found threads on the subject, but nothing that works for me. Unsure So, I ask for help.

I created a new column in the categories table for an image. It is called "image_cat"

Via the admin, I have uploaded images for subcategories. They reside in a directory inside the build_root_url. So if the build_root_url is "content" then the files are stored here:

I go to my subcategory.html template and add:

<%if image_cat%>
<img src="<%build_images_url%>/<%image_cat%>">

and I get a broken image. What am I doing wrong? I am hoping to not have the images called by cgi, rather to only be accessible via .html pages. Can you help?

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Evoir: Aug 6, 2002, 8:07 PM

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