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title_linked & category_results
Ok, ok. There are plenty of threads discussing "title_linked" ... but they weren't really helpful to me. ... I'd like to insert 3 kinds of "title_linked" to my pages:

<%title_linked_top%> = "HOME » Category ..."

a. without the latest category which I'd like to display with: <%category_short%> and
b. with a "»" instead of a ":"

<%title_linked_bottom%> = <%site_title%> » Category » Latest category

a. again with a "»" instead of a ":" and
b. with <%site_title%> from the globals instead of HOME.

And then there are the "category_results" within the search-results-pages.

I'd like them to be listed as they are but of course with a "»" instead of a ":"

If I'm right I'll need one or 3 plugins for this? Please help. BTW: Did I forget an ":"s?

Last edited by:

e: Aug 2, 2002, 10:35 AM

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