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General: Chit Chat: Re: [Watts] Image Theft: Edit Log

Here is the list of edits for this post
Re: [Watts] Image Theft

1. Go to: www.jsu07.com

2. Click "view source"

3. Notice that .js file is located at www.jsu07.com/js/v6temp.js

4. Enter URL to .js file and choose "Save to Disk"

5. Open .js file and hack away

Hah, you could just go to www.jsu07.com and then check your temp internet files directory Tongue


function start () {
document.getElementById ("jsu07").style.pixelLeft = document.body.clientWidth;
setTimeout ("fiQuote ()", 500)

function fiQuote () {
clearTimeout (to);
object = document.getElementById ("quote");
if (object.filters.alpha.opacity < 100) {
object.filters.alpha.opacity += 10;
to = setTimeout ("fiQuote ()", 50);
else to = setTimeout ("fiAuthor ()", 1000);


BTTDB Jerry :)

Last edited by:

Paul: Jul 29, 2002, 5:18 PM

Edit Log: