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If and elsif
I am trying below code in link.html but it is not working, I was wondering if you guys can help me out?

<%if Image_URL%>
<%include link_image_url.html%>
<%elsif isSponsor%>
<%include link_sponsor.html%>
<%include link_normal.html%>

and what about below tag.

<%if isSponsor%>
&nbsp;<img src="<%build_root_url%>/images/sponsor.gif">


<%if isNew%>
&nbsp;<img src="<%build_root_url%>/images/new_<%Days_Old%>.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;

<%if isChanged%>
<img src="<%build_root_url%>/images/updated.gif" width="44" height="12">&nbsp;&nbsp;

<%if isPopular%>
<img src="<%build_root_url%>/images/popular.gif" width="44" height="12">&nbsp;


Even this one is not working on link.html it shows sponsor images next to every link.

Please help


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TRPN: Jul 23, 2002, 8:48 AM

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