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Re: [Andy] Where do I change the rating from 5 to 100
Well I think I have nerrow it down to "REVIEW_RATING" and I am almost got it. I have changed the rating form and review.pm and rate.pm to reflect 100 instead of 5; however, if I try to re-change my rating (if I am a user), I get a error message (Please select a rating from 1 to 5 only. ) if I select 60 for example. So:

1 - where should I change this checking code (where is REVIEW_RATING defined) to change it from 5 to 100.

2 - Also, I want the user to have as many review as he/she wants (not update their own) how should I go about doing that as well.

Thank you for your help

Last edited by:

Mark2: Jun 26, 2002, 7:30 AM

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