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Products: Gossamer Mail: Discussion: Re: [brewt] [BUG REPORT - 2.1.0] ?? Incoming.pl does not work! U R G E N T ! ! !: Edit Log

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Re: [brewt] [BUG REPORT - 2.1.0] ?? Incoming.pl does not work! U R G E N T ! ! !
Hello Adrian!

There is definately something wrong in my installation.

I have run consistency.pl on the data. Following is the error:

1 messages were on disk and not in the database

rajani@% perl5 consistency.pl
Messags in database: xxx

0 messages were on disk and not in the database

xxx messages were in the database but not on disk
validate table inconsistancies: 0
msgtrack table inconsistancies: 0
msgs table inconsistancies: 2626
msgs_threads table inconsistancies: 0
msgdata table inconsistancies: 0
msgsearch table inconsistancies: 0
msgs_remote table inconsistancies: 0
pop_accounts table inconsistancies: 0
sigs table inconsistancies: 0
address table inconsistancies: 0
filter table inconsistancies: 0
users => dgraph table inconsistancies: 461
dgraph => users table inconsistancies: 0
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'email_users.user' in 'on clause' at /email/admin/GT/SQL/Driver/MYSQL.pm line 117.

There seems to be change in the name of a column during the installation and may be hence the error... Just an observation!!!

Last edited by:

rajani: Jun 25, 2002, 3:21 PM

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