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Re: [Teambldr] TOP X TAG
Alrighty then, I could not help it:

Top X Count

# This subroutine returns the toplist
# Called with <%Plugins::RemoteCount::TopXCount('TopX','Max Title Length', 'Sort Order')%>
# Order:
# iox - IN OUT EXP
# ixo - IN EXP OUT
# xoi - EXP OUT IN
# xio - EXP IN OUT
# oix - OUT IN EXP
# oxi - OUT EXP IN

Now you can pick the order right from the tag!

Example: <%Plugins::RemoteCount::TopXCount('100','75', 'xio')%>

Returns the top 100, with titles capped at 75 chars, and order by Exposures, In's then Out's

Links Plugins

Last edited by:

Ian: Jun 22, 2002, 4:47 PM

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