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Products: Gossamer Links: Development, Plugins and Globals: Re: [Ian] Editor Activity Monitoring - Plugin - VERSION 1.0.6: Edit Log

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Re: [Ian] Editor Activity Monitoring - Plugin - VERSION 1.0.6

Thanks Pugdog for moving this to a new thread. Things were getting very burried in the last thread.

If anyone wants to read the history of suggestion etc, including some screenshots, please visit the original thread:


I guess for big threads like this (and someone please correct me if I am going about this the wrong way) is to start a new thread for a new version. This will hopfully be a lesser strain on the forum resources. If you have any lengthy comments or discussion, you can also take them to my own forum I have setup for this plug-in. See 'Support' in my signature block.

Thanks Everyone! Smile

Links Plugins

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Ian: Jun 16, 2002, 12:16 PM

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