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spider plug-in
Well I have this questiong about Spider Plug-in:

In the spider's domumentation it is said:

Running the Spider

The spider script, "spider.pl", cannot be run from the web. The script must run from a telnet shell or as part of a cron job. After you have placed a links into the Spider's queue, run the script to start the system.

Well, I don't have telnet shell access, but I would like to refer to following section of Fileman's documentation and ask if it would be possible to use it's "Command" feature to run spider.pl:

Fileman -> System Commands

FileMan 2 lets you run system commands, providing a virtual shell account. Great for systems that don't provide any shell access (disabled in demo)


Thank you in ahead for any answers :-)


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Robo: Jun 3, 2002, 3:26 AM

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