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Re: [wesmarvel] Disorganization

I think what was mentioned (and never put into practice) and while ago was that whenever a thread with a useful answer was encountered it should be added by the user (or veteran/moderator/replier) to the resources section so it could be easily found on another occassion.

It seems that this never happened though, however anyone is free to add to the resources so if you find something you think will help others, feel free to add it.

I can appreciate how you feel being told to search the forum...perhaps in that type of situation the person telling you to search should locate a relevant thread themselves and post it in the resources section although as Andy mentioned everyone who helps is a volunteer and are under no obligation to be "extra" helpful...you have to rely on their good nature. I agree that when you hear the same response over and over it can get frustrating (and more so when in the time it takes to tell you to search the person could have typed a quick answer).

You may want to contact GT directly to see how they feel about altering the Links2/DBMAN forums. I see that neither of them were altered after the recent forum changes so it seems GT are focusing on the SQL products however if you feel strongly about this (I know others do) then direct contact may help.....and more so because staff members rarely come to the chit-chat forum.

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Paul: Apr 18, 2002, 6:24 AM

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