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Re: [Paul] ...and the question

That got me this:

' in 'e:/..../forums/admin/templates/default/../common' or any inheritance directories at e:/..../forums/admin/GT/Template.pm line 571. Set-Cookie: gforum_1006370746_session=0; expires=Thu, 05-Apr-2001 20:49:36 GMT; path=/

A fatal error has occurred:
GT::Template::Parser (2844): Unable to locate template file 'Location: http://www.heavybombers.comContent-type: text/html' in 'e:/..../forums/admin/templates/default/../common' or any inheritance directories at e:/..../forums/admin/GT/Template.pm line 571.

Please enable debugging in setup for more details.

So I reverted back. No harm no foul.

Last edited by:

HeavyBombers: Apr 5, 2002, 12:48 PM

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