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Products: Gossamer Links: Discussions: [BUG?] v. 2.1. Link count eccentric: Edit Log

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[BUG?] v. 2.1. Link count eccentric
When links appear in muliple categories (aka AltCategories), the link counts are the exact opposite of what is needed.

For example, link A is in categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 ...
The link count is incremented for only one of those categories, so (if there were no other links), the respective category counts might be 0, 0, 1, 0. Which category gets the increment seems to be arbitrary. Same thing happens in the admin interface.
Nevertheless, the grand total link count is incremented by 4, when it should logically be 1.

The earlier v. 2.05 got it right.

GT! Help please -- is this a bug, or are we doing something wrong?
All our links are in multiple categories -- it's not something we can ignore.

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YoYoYoYo: Mar 12, 2002, 10:37 PM

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