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I saw someone mention this error with one of my plugins the other day and I've just got it myself.


Links::reset_env( { load_user => 1 } ) if ($Links::PERSIST);

....in a cgi script keeps giving undefined subroutine reset_env

Im using mod_perl if that makes a difference.

Here is the full chunk of code:

use strict;
use lib '/my/path';
use Links qw/$CFG/;
use Plugins::MyModule;


local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Links::fatal;

Links::reset_env( { load_user => 1 } ) if ($Links::PERSIST);

if (Links->check_request()) {
GT::Plugins->dispatch ($CFG->{admin_root_path} . '/Plugins', 'user_cart', \&Plugins::MyModule::handle);

...what did I do wrong? Cool

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RedRum: Feb 27, 2002, 11:30 AM

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