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Re: [eric74] Passing values in the URL

Here's what I use in my scripts to grab form input if it is any help:

sub get_data {
# Return a hashref of all params and their values.

my ($INPUT) = {};
my (@INPUT) = ();

for (param()) {
@INPUT = param($_);

# Decide whether it is a single value or multiple.
if (@INPUT > 1) {
@{$INPUT->{$_}} = @INPUT
else {
$INPUT->{$_} = param($_)

return $INPUT;


I changed the sub name to get_data incase you want to try it.

Basically it detects whether the input is one value or multiple for each field and handles it appropriately.

So for your $data{my} field it would automatically put the data into an array ready for use.

The only thing you'd need to do to use it would be to add:

use CGI qw(:standard);

...to the top of the cgi script. The original code uses objects but I removed that so you don't need to bother creating one.

So basically you'd do:

my $input = get_data();

...and then hopefully you'll have access to the my field using @{$input->{my}}

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RedRum: Feb 8, 2002, 5:57 AM

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