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Build Fancy Multiple Select Fields
I was able to install the MOD build_fancy_mult_field & everything is working dandy with it. Smile

However, one minor problem I cannot seem to fix is the fact that I do not want the Multiple Select field to show to the Default User when they search.

JPD addressed something similar in the Regular non-fancy multi select mod - by adding a seperate search routine to show a regular drop down list.

Well, I tried that. Of course in order for a separate search routine to work, I had to use the same sub_build_fancy_mult_field title in the routine or it will not find the entries. And, when I use that..of course it goes right back to showing the entire multiple list.

Does anyone have any clue how one might go about doing this? Like I said the MOD works great. I get the fancy names & the multiple select no problem.

I just need the default users to see a normal drop down list & I cannot figure out how to do it. Unsure

The html.pl file of course looks like this:

sub build_fancy_mult_field {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# To call this subroutine from html_record_form, use the following syntax:
# print &build_fancy_mult_field("FieldName",$rec{'FieldName'});
# Be sure to express the field name *exactly* as it is defined in your .cfg file.
$size = "5";
my $field = $_[0];
my $compare = $_[1];
my %selector = (
'Class' => [
['---','Choose as many that apply:'],
'Race' => [
['---','Choose as many that apply:'],
['HEF','Half Elf'],
['HIE','High Elf'],
['VAH','Vah Shir'],
['ELF','Wood Elf'],

$output = qq|<SELECT NAME="$field" MULTIPLE SIZE="$size">\n|;
$i = 0;
while ( $selector{$field}[$i][0] ) {
$compare =~/$selector{$field}[$i][0]/ ?
($output .= qq|<OPTION VALUE="$selector{$field}[$i][0]" SELECTED>$selector{$field}[$i][1]\n|) :
($output .= qq|<OPTION VALUE="$selector{$field}[$i][0]">$selector{$field}[$i][1]\n|);
if ($i) {
$output .= "</SELECT>";
else {
$output = "Incorrect field definition";
return $output;

& I made the changes to the db.cgi that the mod called for as well.

Thanks for any help.
Diana Rae

Last edited by:

dianarae: Feb 3, 2002, 9:17 PM

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