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Re: [TheStone] Link to record starting with...
Oh thanks. This is really cool. Thanks a lot. Works wonderfully.

Two more related questions:

1. The plugin doesn't seem to care the number of hits returned. It just retrieves all the records for a specific letter. I tried to add &mh=25 to the line, to no effect. See: http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/test/db.html

2. I realize, to my happy surprise, that I can use this plugin to provide a better browsing function, for example, I can enter "journal of" as the letter and it will retrieve records beginning with "journal of", which is better than simply J. I guess I can create a input form, and have users supply whatever words they want to begin to browse. Right? And if so, how? :-)

Thanks again
Jian Liu
Indiana University Libraries

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jiliu: Jan 11, 2002, 12:56 PM

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