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Re: [Heckler] Help Desk Integration [Food for thought]
That wont work either.

Lets see if this can shed some more light for you.....

If Staff Member A has access to department 1 2 and 3 then the allocation table will look like:

UserID DeptID
1 1
1 2
1 3

So 1 2 and 3 will be pre-selected in the profile form. Now if admin decides to add them to department 4 then the array passed to the script when admin hits update will be the 3 preselected values 1 2 and 3 but also 4. If I use IN and pass in the array I'll get duplicate key errors for 1 2 and 3 as all that needs to be inserted is 4

Same with de-selects. If 1 2 and 3 are selected and admin deselects 3 and hits update then I only need to delete 3 not 1 and 2.

I need some way to match two arrays and push any non-matches into a third array...

eg....All depts staff member A belongs to:

@array1 = qw( 1 2 3 );

...all selection from the form....

@array2 = qw( 1 2 3 4);

....now if I can get rid of duplicates and push 4 into a new array then I can to the insert/delete without a problem.

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RedRum: Jan 8, 2002, 12:13 PM

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