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Re: [Heckler] Help Desk Integration [Food for thought]
Thanks for the bug report....I guess I forgot to show an error page for non-existant tickets Angelic


The ticket/staff allocation was simpler than you may think. I added a departments column to the user table which lists the departments for each staff member (comma delimited). Then I just create a multiselect from the departments table of all the departments then admin can just select all the departments they want to assign to a staff member and they get joined and added to the user table eg...


....then my SQL module allows me to pass in an arrayref to construct the select query for allowing staff access to their departments....

my @depts = split /,/, $rec->{Departments};

my @list = $DB->select( undef, 'Tickets', { Departments => \@depts } )->fetchrow;

So the resulting query would be:

SELECT * FROM Tickets WHERE Departments='Sales' OR Departments='Technical';

(or you can use IN)

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RedRum: Jan 7, 2002, 3:29 AM

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