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Gossamer Threads Inc.: Announcements: Links SQL 2.1.0 - Beta 2: Edit Log

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Links SQL 2.1.0 - Beta 2

I was hoping not to have to do this, but we've put up beta 2 of Links SQL 2.1.0. We will be releasing the final next week. This is pretty much exactly what the final will look like except for some improvements in the PHP code (review support), so if you aren't interested in PHP, then by all means try this out.

One new thing that is introduced in Links SQL 2.1.0, is the concept of local templates versus system templates. Existing users have been editing files in admin/templates/default/. As of 2.1.0, these are where the system templates go. Any customizations you make should be placed in admin/templates/default/local. If you only use the built in editor, then you don't need to worry. It will save them in the proper place.

If you edit templates via FTP, you must place your altered templates in default/local directory.

The template editor will now let you see what changes you made from the system template, and let you restore if you are having problems!

Please note, when upgrading (only from < 2.1.0), you must manually backup your templates as the system will overwrite them. As long as you save your templates in local, future upgrades will work fine.


Gossamer Threads Inc.

Last edited by:

Alex: Dec 14, 2001, 2:56 PM

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