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Re: [Alex] build without building home.html

So, it seems that using this global is not the best approach. It does nothing for fixing up the search_results. The breadcrumbs lead back to the LSQL build home.html page.

I think it would be soo cool if you all gave us a defineable home page. It could be in the "setup" panel of the admin, it would ask us if we wanted LSQL to build a home page, and if not, where did we want to point folks to as the home page.

In the meantime,

1) how can I get the search_results.html template to sho the corrected home page when showing the breadcrumbs?

2) Is there anywhere else that points to home.html page that I am not thinking of?

3) how can I control the font size and color of the search_results categories and links. I don't see what defines these. Angelic

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Evoir: Dec 12, 2001, 11:59 PM

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