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Re: [Alex] SQL Update
Yeah sorry that was just an example, it is called Fave and yes it exists.

Username varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL ,
Password varchar(25) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL ,
Email varchar(75) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL ,
Name varchar(75) ,
Validation varchar(20) ,
Status enum('Not Validated','Registered','Administrator') DEFAULT 'Registered' NOT NULL ,
ReceiveMail enum('No','Yes') DEFAULT 'Yes' NOT NULL ,
Newsletter enum('No','Yes') DEFAULT 'Yes' NOT NULL ,
Fave varchar(255) ,
PRIMARY KEY (Username),
KEY emailndx (Email)

The exact code is:

$db->update( { Fave => 1 }, { Username => 'Paul' } ) or die "Can't update: $GT::SQL::error";

Last edited by:

PaulW: Dec 3, 2001, 2:08 PM

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