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Re: [RedRum] Problem with self installer.......
Good. I'm not going to start flaming and what not about this. I was just trying to get my strong opinion across.

I'm sure Alex is peed off enough as it is at the hundreds of sites out there running Links without giving GT any credit, or money.

GT provide code to download, and use before you buy and that's a great thing! It would be a shame to see all of GTs products go down the route of GT Mail and GT Links SQL by not providing a download before you part your money.

And the more people abuse and disrespect the terms of use that accompany their software, the more Alex will have to take stronger measures to guard his intellectual properties.

Surely you can understand and respect this.

- wil

Last edited by:

Wil: Jul 8, 2005, 3:24 AM

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