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Gossamer Threads Inc.: Discussion: Re: [QooQ] New Virus?: Edit Log

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Re: [QooQ] New Virus?

Gossamer should be back to full capacity right now. We replaced a hard drive, and everything seems to be going well. Let me know how you find it.

As for the redirect, you can use mod_rewrite to rewrite any request containing root.exe or default.ida to another site. Here's a sample:

# trap CodeRed and send them away!
<Location /default.ida>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule /default.ida http://www.microsoft.com/ [L]
# trap exploits of code-red compromized systems.
<Files "*.exe">
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule . http://www.microsoft.com/ [L]
You may need to tweak the .exe if you actually have .exe files on your site. =)


Gossamer Threads Inc.

Last edited by:

Alex: Sep 21, 2001, 1:15 AM

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