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importing USERS!!!!

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importing USERS!!!!
I have already installed Gossamer Community and I am trying to import users from the forum as follow:
I went to Database then to Import Users, i chose Gossamer Forum and i put the right Admin Root Path: /home/www/mysite/cgi-bin/forum/admin
After that i click on Import that give one possibilty to save a community.cgi on my hard disk!!!
Is that right, if yes how to proceed. If not what i have to do?
Can someone help me?
Many thanks in advanced


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antoined: Jan 28, 2003, 10:10 AM
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Re: [antoined] importing USERS!!!! In reply to
Open community.cgi and look inside when the download box opens - what do you see?
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Re: [Paul] importing USERS!!!! In reply to
Thanks for answaring, this is what i see when i open it:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
<title>Gossamer Community</title>
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.big_bold { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold }
.error { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: red; font-weight: bold }
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<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" >
<table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<tr class="body">
<td colspan="2">
<a href="http://www.zgharta.com/...ty.cgi?do=admin_home">
<img src="http://www.zgharta.com/...images/community.gif" width="268" height="86" border="0" alt="Gossamer Community"/>
<td width="344" valign="bottom" align="right" class="body">
<a href="http://www.zgharta.com/cgi-bin/zcommunity/community.cgi?do=admin_home">Home</a> -
<a href="javascript:rs('community_help','http://www.zgharta.com/cgi-bin/zcommunity/community.cgi?do=admin_help&topic=help_database.html#import_users', 650, 550, 300,100,'Yes')">Help</a> -
<a href="http://www.zgharta.com/cgi-bin/zcommunity/community.cgi?do=admin_logout">Logout</a>
<td colspan="3"><img src="http://www.zgharta.com/...ty/images/1pixel.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""/></td>
<td colspan="3" height="25" bgcolor="#006600">
<span class="top_header">&nbsp; Welcome to Gossamer Community</span>

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="http://www.zgharta.com/.../images/community.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
function select_fields() {
var frm = document.myform;
var to = frm.to_selected;
var from = frm.from_selected;
for (ii=1; ii< to.options.length; ii++) {
to.options[ii].selected = true;
for (ii=1; ii< from.options.length; ii++) {
from.options[ii].selected = true;
function load_user() {
var frm = document.myform;
frm.load.value = 1;
function validate(frm) {
if ( frm.to_selected.options.length != frm.from_selected.options.length ) {
alert("Selected fields of 'from' and 'to' should be equal!")
return false;

<form name="myform" action="http://www.zgharta.com/...munity/community.cgi" method="post" onsubmit="return validate(this)"
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="admin_import" />
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<input type="hidden" name="gt_root_path" value="/home/www/zgharta/cgi-bin/zforum/admin" size="50" class="object" />
<input type="hidden" name="load" value="" />

<table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<tr class="big" align="left">
<td class="big">
<span class="header">
<img src="http://www.zgharta.com/...ty/images/arrow2.gif" width="11" height="12" hspace="5" alt="Database"/>
<a href="http://www.zgharta.com/cgi-bin/zcommunity/community.cgi?do=admin_home&pg=admin_database.html">Database</a>
<img src="http://www.zgharta.com/...ty/images/arrow2.gif" hspace="5" alt=""/>Import User From Gossamer Forum Product</span> </td>
<table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<tr class="body" align="left">
<td class=body align="left">
Pick a user table from the list and then select user fields will be imported
<table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<tr class="big" align="left">
<td class="big">
<table width="100%" style="border:1px solid #008000" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" bgcolor="#E2EBF5">
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<td colspan="3">
<table width="0%" border="0" cellspacing="15" cellpadding="0">

<tr class="body" align="center">
<td class="body"><span class="body_bold" align="left">Import from</span><br />

<select name="from_fields" size="12" class="object">

<option value="user_id">

<option value="user_enabled">

<option value="user_temp_pass">
Temp. Password

<option value="user_disp_email">
Display Email

<option value="user_title">

<option value="user_admin_validated">
Validated by Admin

<option value="user_val_code">
Validation Code

<option value="user_posts">
Num. Posts

<option value="user_last_seen">
Last seen

<option value="user_status">

<option value="user_signature">

<option value="user_default_reply_notify">
Default Reply Notification

<option value="user_default_post_style">
Default Post Style

<option value="user_default_message_style">
Default Message Style

<option value="user_cols">
Default textarea cols

<option value="user_rows">
Default textarea rows

<option value="user_icon">
User Icon

<option value="user_advanced_editor">
Use advanced editor

<option value="user_invisible">

<option value="user_default_post_display">
Default Post Display

<option value="user_jump_to_unread">
Jump to first unread post

<option value="user_hidden_cats">
Hidden categories

<option value="user_forum_view">
Default forum display

<option value="user_accept_privmsg">
Accept Private Messages

<option value="user_time_offset">
Time Offset

<option value="user_default_mh_message">
Default Message hits / page

<option value="user_default_mh_forum">
Default Forum hits / page

<option value="user_default_mh_flatpost">
Default Post hits / page

<option value="user_default_mh_search">
Default Search hits / page

<option value="user_default_mh_user">

<option value="user_message_notify">

<option value="user_template">
Template Set

<option value="user_do_after_post">
After posting action

<option value="user_homepage">
Home page

<option value="user_occupation">

<option value="user_interests">

<option value="user_icq">

<option value="user_aim">
AIM Name

<option value="user_yahoo">
Yahoo Identity

<option value="user_msn">
MSN Identity

<td><span class="body_bold">Gossamer Forum's Users</span><br />
<input type="button" name="Button" value="Add all &gt; " class="button" onclick="additem('document.myform.from_selected','document.myform.from_fields',1)" />
<br />
<input type="button" name="Button2" value=" Add &gt; " class="button" onclick="additem('document.myform.from_selected','document.myform.from_fields')" />
<br />
<br />
<input type="button" name="Button3" value="&lt;Remove" class="button" onclick="removeitem('document.myform.from_selected','document.myform.from_fields')" />
<br />
<input type="button" name="Button4" value=" Clear all " class="button" onclick="removeitem('document.myform.from_selected','document.myform.from_fields',1)" />
<td><br />
<select name="from_selected" size="12" multiple="multiple" class="object">

<option value="user_email">

<option value="user_last_logon">
Last Logon

<option value="user_real_name">
Real Name

<option value="user_location">

<option value="user_username">

<option value="user_username">

<option value="user_registered">
Date Registered

<option value="user_password">

<tr class="body" align="center">
<td class="body" valign="top">
<p align="left"><span class="body_bold">Import to</span><br />
<select name="to_fields" size="12" class="object">

<option value="comm_tmp_pass">
Temp Password

<option value="comm_tmp_pass_valid">
Valid Temp Pass

<option value="comm_clr_pass">
Clear Password

<option value="comm_email_val">
Validated Email

<option value="comm_email_code">
Validation Code

<option value="comm_email_tmp">
Temporary Email

<option value="comm_email_redir">
Redirection URL

<option value="comm_question">
Question Number

<option value="comm_answer">
Question Answer

<option value="comm_enabled">

<option value="prof_company">
Company Name

<option value="prof_age">

<option value="prof_gender">

<option value="prof_city">

<option value="prof_state">

<option value="prof_country">

<option value="prof_phone">

<option value="app_zforum">

<option value="app_zmail">

<option value="app_zmail_userid">

<td><span class="body_bold">Community's Users</span><br />
<input type="button" name="Button" value="Add all &gt; " class="button" onclick="additem('document.myform.to_selected','document.myform.to_fields',1)" />
<br />
<input type="button" name="Button2" value=" Add &gt; " class="button" onclick="additem('document.myform.to_selected','document.myform.to_fields')" />
<br />
<br />
<input type="button" name="Button3" value="&lt;Remove" class="button" onclick="removeitem('document.myform.to_selected','document.myform.to_fields')" />
<br />
<input type="button" name="Button4" value=" Clear all " class="button" onclick="removeitem('document.myform.to_selected','document.myform.to_fields',1)" />
<td class="body" align="right"><br />
<select name="to_selected" size="12" multiple="multiple" class="object">

<option value="comm_email">
Email (*)

<option value="comm_lastlogin">
Last Login

<option value="prof_last_name">
Last Name (*)

<option value="prof_address">

<option value="prof_first_name">
First Name (*)

<option value="comm_username">
Username (*)

<option value="comm_created">

<option value="comm_password">
Password (*)

</select><br />
(*): required
<td colspan="3" class="body">&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#006600"><img src="images/1pixel.gif" width="1" height="1" alt=""/></td>
<tr align="right">
<td colspan="3" height="30" bgcolor="#C5E1A3"><input type="submit" name="import" value="Import" class="button" /> <input type="button" name="Button6" value="Cancel" class="button" onclick="window.location='http://www.zgharta.com/cgi-bin/zcommunity/community.cgi?do=admin_home&amp;pg=admin_database.html'" />
<table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<tr valign="top">
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#008000"><img src="http://www.zgharta.com/...ty/images/1pixel.gif" width="1" height="1" alt=""/></td>
<tr valign="middle" align="center">
<td colspan="3" class="small" height="50">Gossamer Community v.0.9.0<br>Copyright @ 2002 <a href="http://www.gossamer-threads.com/">Gossamer Threads Inc</a>.

Quote Reply
Re: [antoined] importing USERS!!!! In reply to
What browser are you using?

This normally happens in Netscape when there is a html irregualrity or if your web server isn't parsing perl scripts properly.
Quote Reply
Re: [Paul] importing USERS!!!! In reply to
I am using EXPLORER 6.

Thanks again
Quote Reply
Re: [Paul] importing USERS!!!! In reply to
Paul this has been discussed before and it's not a browser problem or a server problem. It's a community bug. It does not declarate well the XHTML document...
IE displays it because IE is buggy too Unsure
The one with Mac OS X Server 10.4 :)
Quote Reply
Re: [maxpico] importing USERS!!!! In reply to
Paul this has been discussed before and it's not a browser problem or a server problem. It's a community bug.

Well, yes I agree. I did say it could be down to html irregularities or the server.
Quote Reply
Re: [Paul] importing USERS!!!! In reply to
In Reply To:
Paul this has been discussed before and it's not a browser problem or a server problem. It's a community bug.

Well, yes I agree. I did say it could be down to html irregularities or the server.

I copied and pasted the html of above (community.cgi already saved on my hard disk) in Microsoft frontpage and it works as "preview", i imported the users from the Forum to Gossamer Community!

I logged in as forum user, and i entered the community page, but now how to let me in the Forum without typing again username and password?

Thank youSly