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HTML Characters

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HTML Characters
When you save an HTML document with an HTML Character for ex. quot; = "

Now if you go to edit that document it will change all the quot; to ". Has anyone edited the Fileman.cgi to account for these and not change them when openning a document to edit.....



PS: I had to leave the & off of the quot; so it would not change it.....
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Re: HTML Characters In reply to
As a addon to the previous post. Fileman is adding some ascii characters into the a saved texted file and it is causing some problems.

Spaces come out = á
and Carrige returns come out as a musical note.

now setting
binmode (FILE); <-- in the write action
binmode (DATA); <-- in the edit action
has fixed the musical notes, but I am having problems removing the space replacement.

This is an example of the text it saves:

This is only visible when editing in a DOS edit window.