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/WWW/ added to URLs!

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/WWW/ added to URLs!
The URLs keep coming up with 'www' as the first directory below 'root'. How can I stop this?

my root_dir is /home/mydomain
my logfile is /home/www/mydomain/cgi-bin/...
my password_dir is /home/www/mydomain/cgi-bin/...
my root_url is http://www.mydomain.com
my script_url is http://www.mydomain.com/cgi-bin/...
and my icondir_url is /fmicons
Everything seems to work except that the URLs for my htm files (in my root's 'www' directory) all come up as http://www.mydomain.com/www/...
The second www produces 404s when I click on an htm doc! How can I correct this?

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Re: /WWW/ added to URLs! In reply to
If you can email me a URL, I'll take a look.


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Re: /WWW/ added to URLs! In reply to
Thanks Alex, but I was able to correct the problem myself by adding the following commented line to section #3:

# 3. Set the current working directory, and current working url.
my ($dir, $url);
if ($working_dir) {
$dir = "$config{'root_dir'}/$working_dir";
$url = "$config{'root_url'}/$working_dir";
$url =~ s/com\/www/com/g; #### ADDED BY TOMF TO STRIP WWW FROM URL 990508 ####
else {
$dir = $config{'root_dir'};
$url = $config{'root_url'};

It now works perfect!