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Which script holds the header/footer setting?

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Which script holds the header/footer setting?
Hello Again,
This statement in the Readme file:
* Header/Footer problems.
The script looks at whatever you have entered in the header/footer field. It first
checks to see if what you entered is a file and if it is it will insert the contents
of that file.
does not tell me which script to enter the path to the header/footer on.
Also, will the files be named header.txt and footer.txt? Thanks Again! Jim
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Re: Which script holds the header/footer setting? In reply to
does not tell me which script to enter the path to the header/footer on.

That is because it is already configured in links.cfg (near the end of the file) based on the paths/URLs configured at the top of the file.

Also, will the files be named header.txt and footer.txt?

Not necessarily. They will be named whatever you want them to be named.

A bit of clarification is in order here. The header/footer fields referenced in the readme file are used for the categories. They are fields in your category database. They are not headers and footers for all your pages.

If you want to use them, you can enter either html code, plain text, or a filename (no path) in the fields. Links will look for a filename that matches what you entered in the fields. Links looks in the admin/header and admin/footer directories for the files.

If Links does not find a match, then it assumes the data in the field is either html or plain text and just displays it. If Links finds a matching filename, then it opens the file and displays its contents.

These headers and footers are displayed anywhere categories are displayed. See sub site_html_category in site_html.pl or site_html_templetes.pl (and the category.html template) for their usage.

I hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by Bobsie (edited April 01, 1999).]
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Re: Which script holds the header/footer setting? In reply to
Thanks Again!
