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New, Cool, Problem

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New, Cool, Problem
I have a minor problem and need help as to what I need to edit.

On the What's New and What's Cool pages, the category and link title are on the same line.

Category: Website Title: Description

I've replaced the nph build file, I've looked at various sections and still cannot fix this.


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Re: [beckiesue] New, Cool, Problem In reply to
Not sure, but should be in site_html_templates.pl Wink

Andy (mod)
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Re: [beckiesue] New, Cool, Problem In reply to
Are you sure the nph-build you're using wasn't changed somehow? maybe download a new zip and compare? Look in the nph-build under "sub build_new_page" ( and "cool"). That's where those pages are built, and where you should look for differences. The "\n" you see in the code is important, it means "new line."

An URL to the site would be helpful...

aka PerlFlunkie
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Re: [PerlFlunkie] New, Cool, Problem In reply to
Sorry, I should of included the url Frown


Here is what my nph build shows for that section:

I replaced it with what I thought was the original, but am going to download again just to make sure, if you see the problem....please point it out, this is driving me nuts Mad

sub build_new_page {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a "What's New" page. Set $build_span_pages to 1 in links.cfg
# and it will create a seperate page for each date.
my (%link_output, $category_clean, $long_date, $category, $date,
$number_links, $main_link_results, $main_total, %span_totals);
local ($total, $link_results, $title_linked);

# Let's build the What's New directory.
if ($build_new_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) {
&build_dir ($1);

# Now we go through all the new_links (which are organized by category), and
# build the html in array indexed by date then category.
$total = 0;
CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %new_links) {
LINK: for ($i = 0; $i < ($#{$new_links{$category}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1); $i++) {
%tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$new_links{$category}});
${$link_output{$tmp{'Date'}}}{$category} .= &site_html_link (%tmp) . "\n";

# Then we go through each date, and build the links for that date. If we are spanning
# pages, we will create a seperate page for each date and need to set up a few other
# variables (like title and total). We will also want to reset links_results each time.
DATE: foreach $date (sort { &date_to_unix($b) <=> &date_to_unix($a) } keys %link_output) {
$long_date = &long_date ($date);
if ($build_span_pages) {
$link_results = "";
$total = $span_totals{$date};
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("New/$date");
else {
$link_results .= "<p><strong>$long_date</strong>\n<blockquote>";
CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %{$link_output{$date}}) {
$category_clean = &build_clean ($category);
$link_results .= qq|<P><A HREF="$build_root_url/$category/$build_index">$category_clean</A>\n|;
$link_results .= ${$link_output{$date}}{$category};

# Crete the new page, and do a bit of HTML work for the main page.
if ($build_span_pages) {
open (NEW, ">$build_new_path/$date$build_extension") or cgierr ("unable to open what's new page: $build_new_path/$build_index. Reason: $!");
$use_html ?
print qq|\tNew Links for <a href="$build_new_url/$date$build_extension" TARGET="_blank">$date</a>: $total\n| :
print qq|\tNew Links for $date: $total\n|;
print NEW &site_html_new;
close NEW;
$main_link_results .= qq|<li><a href="$build_new_url/$date$build_extension">$long_date</a> ($total).|;
$main_total += $total;
else {
$link_results .= "</blockquote>";

if ($build_span_pages) {
$link_results = "<ul>$main_link_results</ul>";
$total = $main_total;
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("New");

# Build the main What's New page.
open (NEW, ">$build_new_path/$build_index") or cgierr ("unable to open what's new page: $build_new_path/$build_index. Reason: $!");
print "\tTotal New Links: $total\n";
print NEW &site_html_new(@new_links);
close NEW;

sub build_cool_page {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a "What's Cool" page.

local ($total, $percent, $link_results, $title_linked);
my (%link_output, $category_clean);

if ($build_cool_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) {
&build_dir ($1);

$total = 0;
CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %cool_links) {
LINK: for ($i = 0; $i < ($#{$cool_links{$category}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1); $i++) {
%tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$cool_links{$category}});
$link_output{$category} .= &site_html_link (%tmp) . "\n";
foreach $category (sort keys %cool_links) {
$category_clean = &build_clean ($category);
$link_results .= qq|<P><A HREF="$build_root_url/$category/$build_index">$category_clean</A>\n|;
$link_results .= $link_output{$category};
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("Cool");
open (COOL, ">$build_cool_path/$build_index") or cgierr ("unable to open what's cool page: $build_cool_path/$build_index. Reason: $!");
print "\tCool Links: $total\n";
($db_popular_cutoff < 1) ?
($percent = $db_popular_cutoff * 100 . "%") :
($percent = $db_popular_cutoff);
print COOL &site_html_cool(@cool_links);
close COOL;


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Re: [beckiesue] New, Cool, Problem In reply to
I disabled the category listing on mine, but if you want to keep it, and fix your problem, try this in sub build_new_page: (add the red part to your code.)


CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %{$link_output{$date}}) {
$category_clean = &build_clean ($category);
$link_results .= qq|<P><A HREF="$build_root_url/$category/$build_index">$category_clean</A><br>\n|;

$link_results .= ${$link_output{$date}}{$category};

aka PerlFlunkie